Combining apartments into one: how to do everything right?

Combining two apartments into one is a complex type of redevelopment, but some citizens decide to take such a step in order to increase the area.

The difficulty of merging two apartments is that it is very difficult to document this issue, since the redevelopment project may not be approved due to load-bearing structures.

How to make one from two apartments legally, according to documents in 2021?

Any actions related to the redevelopment of apartments, including the combination of two apartments into one, are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 26.

This article clearly states the rules for reconstruction:

  • when merging apartments, the owner must obtain consent to carry out redevelopment from the local government;
  • a decision on the issue of combining apartments must be made within 45 days from the date of submission of documents to the local authority;
  • documents can be submitted not only to the local administration, but also to the MFC. In this case, the deadline for making a decision will begin to count from the moment when the MFC employee transfers the necessary documents of the applicant to the local government body;
  • After the decision is made, the body that carries out the approval has 3 working days to notify the applicant of the decision.

Options for combining apartments

There are three ways to merge apartments:

  1. Combining living space vertically - when apartments are located on different floors, but on the same riser. Is it possible to combine two apartments into one on different floors in 2021? Yes, you can, the main thing is that there is no third apartment between the apartments. It is possible to reconnect living spaces in this way, although it is extremely difficult to do this for the reason that you will have to cut the opening with high precision, otherwise you will not be able to do without destroying the slabs. The ceilings of apartments will also have to be strengthened with supports (columns), a frame, and a staircase will also need to be installed in accordance with building rules and regulations.
  2. Horizontal merging - when apartments are located on the same floor next to each other. The difficulty of such a reunion is that the apartments merge into one through the landing. Is it possible to combine two apartments on one site? Yes, it is possible, but for this you will need to obtain permission to issue common property - a partition. At this stage, it is imperative to organize a meeting of the residents of the building and obtain approval to connect the apartments through a partition from the majority of co-owners. Perhaps this is the simplest option for connecting apartments, since it involves reconnecting living areas from the inside, through the inter-apartment wall. But in most cases the wall is load-bearing, so it will not be possible to completely dismantle it for safety reasons (the walls may collapse).
  3. Association of apartments located in different entrances . This is a rare case of merging residential areas, because in many cases it is not possible to expand the living space due to the presence of a load-bearing wall, an elevator shaft or a garbage chute. In addition, in many houses the ceiling and floor levels in apartments may differ, so additional leveling will need to be done.

What is needed to combine two apartments into one? First you need to find out whether the apartments can be combined. You can get an answer to this question from the developer - if the apartments are in a new building or in BTI - if we are talking about secondary housing.

The decision to combine apartments usually occurs to those citizens who want to expand their living space in order to increase the area of ​​the children's room, place a gym, office, etc. in their apartment.

In which buildings can apartments be combined?

You can combine two apartments in different buildings:

  • in monolithic houses - they are strong, durable, have improved thermal insulation and ventilation. It is easier to make one out of two apartments in a monolithic house than in a brick one, since the inter-apartment walls are not load-bearing, and there are no internal partitions in such houses at all;
  • in brick houses . The chances that the competent authorities will allow reconstruction in a brick house are greater than in a panel house;
  • in panel houses . The thickness of the walls in such houses allows openings to be made in the walls without risk not only for the people living in the apartment, but also for the strength of the overall structure.

Combining apartments in a building under construction

Apartments can be combined both in the completed building and during its construction . But developers are reluctant to agree to the desires of shareholders to combine two apartments into one. After all, before the construction of a house begins, the developer prepares design documentation and receives a building permit.

And if the project has already been created and after that the shareholder wants to make changes to it, then the developer will need to go through all the stages of developing technical documentation again. Typically, developers agree to combine adjacent apartments in monolithic buildings.

It is beneficial to combine apartments during the construction phase if the developer himself has made the appropriate changes to the design documentation . Then it will be considered that both apartments are one object. Therefore, in the future, only one object will be registered for cadastral registration.

If the interested party did not have time to notify the developer that he wants to merge the apartments, and he did not draw up documents for the merger of residential areas, then the owner will receive as many extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate as the number of apartments he bought. And he himself will have to go through a number of successive stages in order to legalize the redevelopment of two apartments into one.

Basic rules when drawing up a merger project

When drawing up a project for combining apartments, the same rules apply as when redeveloping an apartment without combining.

But in the first case, there are certain rules that should be followed:

  • it is prohibited to demolish load-bearing walls;
  • openings in load-bearing walls cannot be moved without permission;
  • It is prohibited to move utility lines, including ventilation;
  • you cannot swap the room with the kitchen;
  • It is forbidden to combine a room with a kitchen where there is a gas stove. However, if desired, and subject to approval from the gas company, you can submit a request for a gas cut in one of the apartments.

Can they refuse?

Among the main reasons for a negative decision are:

  1. An attempt to increase the area of ​​the utility room at the expense of the living room.
  2. Creating rooms without light sources and heating.
  3. Inability to gain access to communications.
  4. Moving the toilet and bathtub into the living room space.
  5. Isolation from ventilation ducts, or their complete blocking.
  6. Lack of consent from minor owners.
  7. Difficulties for other citizens after the redevelopment.
  8. It is impossible to combine apartments due to the fact that they are located on different buildings.
  9. Demolition of load-bearing walls.

How to connect apartments through a loggia? This video will tell you:

Required documents

What documents are needed in order to be able to combine two apartments into one? If you do not know how to combine two apartments into one according to documents, then be sure to write down what documents should be prepared:

  • application for apartment redevelopment;
  • title documents for housing (you can submit copies of documents certified by a notary to the authorities);
  • technical certificates of apartments;
  • redevelopment project;
  • floor plan of the house;
  • extract from the house register.

This is a basic package of documents, which can be supplemented with other papers, for example:

  • if several people live in an apartment that is planned to be combined with another under a social tenancy agreement, then written consent of all family members must be provided;
  • if the house where it is planned to combine two apartments into one is of historical value, then you will have to obtain approval for the merger of apartments from the authority for the protection of architectural and historical monuments;
  • written consent of the neighbors - if the merging of apartments will affect common property.

Advantages and disadvantages of the process

Positive aspects of combining apartments:

  • it turns out to be an almost new apartment;
  • the meters of the room become larger.

In the future, the owner will experience many other benefits when the apartments are connected. Usually this means savings on fees for utilities, etc.

When planning the procedure, look at the disadvantages of connecting individual areas:

  • Sometimes there may be problems obtaining permission;
  • high cost of work.

Procedure for merging apartments

The process of combining two apartments is quite complex and painstaking. Many people do not know how to legalize the combination of two apartments into one.

To do this you need to go through a number of steps:

  1. Obtain permission from the local government to carry out redevelopment. The local administration has special commissions that deal with such issues, as well as an architectural department. You need to bring with you an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate to the apartment, a new technical passport, which can be ordered at the BTI or MFC, a conclusion on the apartment’s compliance with SES standards, an apartment project, which can be ordered from any design and technical company. The Housing Inspectorate must review the submitted application within 30 days, after which the created commission will issue a decision whether to give the go-ahead for merging the apartments or not.
  2. If the commission approves the redevelopment of two apartments, namely, their combination into one, then the owner of the property can begin work on merging the two residential areas. In addition to documents for apartments, it is necessary to submit a completed sketch (project) to the housing inspection, which the commission must approve.
  3. Upon completion of work on combining apartments, the owner of the living space must invite employees of the district administration (housing inspection) to check how well and correctly the work was completed. If everything was done correctly, then the work is approved and the owner is given a certificate of completion of the work.
  4. After receiving the act, the owner must contact the cadastral registration service and order a new cadastral passport with the changes made.
  5. Apply with a new technical passport to the MFC/Rosreestr and register the updated living space.

Can redevelopment be refused?

Yes, and there are many such cases . But you need to understand that the refusal must be provided correctly - in writing and with a description of the specific reason for the refusal.

For example, if the applicant did not submit any documents, or the project for combining apartments was carried out incorrectly, then such refusals are legal. If the reason for the refusal is unclear, then the applicant has the right to appeal the municipality’s decision in court.

Law governing the change

The main legislative act that is recommended to be used if there is a need to redevelop a small apartment is the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Article number 26 applies. It is here that it is stated what can and cannot be demolished.

In accordance with current legislation, to carry out the procedure it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant organizations. If it is not there, manipulations are prohibited. To obtain permission to unite housing, you need certain papers. An application must be attached to the package.

Cost of combining two apartments into one

To combine two living spaces into one, you need to understand what price you will have to pay for the documentation process. The price depends on the type of merger (merging apartments vertically, horizontally), and on the number of apartments that are being combined.

For example, if you take two apartments that are planned to be combined horizontally in a panel house, then the owner of the premises will have to pay approximately 150 thousand rubles to obtain permission for redevelopment and development of design and technical documentation.

For drawing up a project for a future apartment and a technical report, private companies charge at least 140 thousand rubles. for approval of apartments in a panel house; 60 thousand rubles. – for approving the merger of apartments in a brick and monolithic building.

Where to do it and how to coordinate a redevelopment project

Design work for the construction, repair or redevelopment of the residential background of municipalities, apartment buildings, is carried out by specialized design organizations. They have the appropriate license to carry out such design work.

You can find out which design organizations can prepare all the technical documentation for remodeling an apartment on the municipal website. Municipalities, as a rule, are in close cooperation with design companies, through their departments or departments of architecture.

Combining apartments without approval

Is it possible to combine two apartments into one on your own, without permits? Yes, but only in one case: if the load-bearing walls are not broken when connecting the apartments, the load-bearing walls are not removed. For example, two apartments can be combined into one by simply removing the brick wall on the balcony separating the apartments.

In other situations, the owner must obtain permission to combine apartments. For illegal redevelopment, the home owner faces punishment in accordance with Art. 7.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine.

The inspector will also oblige the owner to return the residential premises to their previous condition or to legalize the redevelopment. If the owner refuses to comply with the order, then the competent authorities can file a lawsuit against him.

The results of the court hearing may be disappointing - the united apartment will be arrested and its owner will be fined, plus the apartment may be sold at public auction.

You can find out where and how to arrange the redevelopment of apartments, namely, to combine two apartments into one, in the architecture department of the local government . The process of combining apartments is difficult, lengthy and requires considerable material costs.

First you need to get approval for the redevelopment, then contact the designers to draw up a plan. The next authority is the BTI, where the owner will be issued a new registration certificate.

Also in some situations it is necessary to obtain the consent of other co-owners of an apartment building to carry out redevelopment . And only after all the documents are ready, it will be possible to submit an application to Rosreestr to register rights to real estate.

With all conviniences

Combining several apartments into one large room also requires a certain approach to design. It is important to create the most comfortable living conditions possible. So, it is better to place bedrooms, a nursery and an office in one part of the apartment, and guest rooms, a dining room and a kitchen in another.

When connecting two small rooms, do not forget about lighting. You will probably need additional lamps and chandeliers. You need to think about this point even before finishing work.

Experts advise not to give up the second door - let it serve as an emergency exit.

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