How to go on sick leave due to quarantine: a new payment procedure and electronic registration of certificates of incapacity for work

You can also submit documents through another person’s personal account. The main thing is to provide the consent of someone who is not registered in the ESIA. In addition, you can submit an application immediately for yourself and all persons living together from one personal account.

The application for the issuance of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work also indicates, among other things:

  • information about the consent of a cohabiting person who is not registered in the unified identification and authentication system to submit an application for the issuance of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work on his behalf;
  • other information necessary to confirm the fact of cohabitation.

You will need to attach to the application (in the form of an electronic document or scan):

  • a foreign passport with marks on crossing the state border of Russia, and if it does not have such marks, then a ticket or other document confirming stay in the territory of a foreign state;
  • documents confirming joint residence with those arriving from countries where cases of 2019-nCoV disease have been registered.

What does it represent?

It is called a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. This is the reason for financial payments during illness. Its presence confirms that the reason for absence from work was indeed valid. Sick leave is also issued to women during pregnancy and to one of the parents if caring for a sick child is necessary.

It is believed that a sick person can receive sick leave solely on their own, when visiting a clinic. In fact, it can be received by the mother or father of a sick child. Unemployed citizens (stateless people with medical insurance) can also count on sick leave if thirty days have not yet passed since the end of the employment relationship.

The attending physician can issue sick leave for up to 15 days, a paramedic and dentist - up to 10 days. After this period, it can be further extended by the medical commission. No later than 6 months after closure, you must submit the closed sheet to your employer.

To fill, you will need a black gel or capillary pen. You can fill out the sheet on your computer if it is convenient for you. All entries are made strictly in block letters of the Russian language. The use of a ballpoint pen is unacceptable. A two-digit code is used to indicate the cause of disability.

Obtaining sick leave using private medical clinics

Have you tried all the methods, but doctors are unapproachable? Then you can go to the private clinic’s website and submit a request for a document. They call you back and you discuss the details. You can issue an outpatient or inpatient certificate of incapacity for work.

At a personal meeting, you give money and then receive a document. The deception is built up to the point that the employer can call the clinic, and the dispatcher will answer and confirm that you are really sick and have received a sick leave.

Please ensure that the paper is filled out correctly. A sick leave form is a strict reporting form. If you fill it out yourself, do not make a mistake, otherwise your company’s accountant will simply not accept it for calculation.

Where and how to get it

Where and how to get sick leave? Obviously, the hospital can issue you sick leave. Another place where you can get a document is every paid clinic that has the right to issue the relevant documents.

If things are really bad and you are unable to get to the hospital, you can resort to their help.

There are several ways:

  1. At the clinic at your place of registration or at the clinic serving the company where you work.
  2. If things are really bad and you are unable to get to the hospital, you should call your local doctor or an ambulance. The arriving doctor will be able to prescribe treatment for you, tell you when to come for examination at the clinic and issue a certificate of incapacity for work.
  3. If you feel that you have become ill right at work, contact the company’s first aid station. They will not provide a certificate of incapacity for work, but they will have to issue a referral to the clinic. You will be issued a sick leave, which will begin from the day you go to the company’s first aid station.

Postpartum complication

In case of a singleton pregnancy at 30 weeks of pregnancy, the woman is issued a maternity leave certificate for 140 days based on the normal process of childbirth. If a complicated birth actually occurs, in what cases is it possible to extend sick leave? How to extend sick leave during pregnancy and childbirth and how is it processed? After being discharged from the maternity hospital, a woman with documents must visit the obstetrician-gynecologist who observed her during pregnancy.

After studying the picture, the doctor will make a decision. Common options: extending sick leave after a cesarean section, after severe uterine bleeding that caused secondary anemia, during birth injuries and inflammation.

Extension of sick leave for complicated childbirth is done in a new form, and the fact of continuation is indicated by the additional three-digit code 020.

If you're not sick

How to get sick leave without getting sick?

There are several different ways to do this:

  1. A trip to a neurologist. The main thing is to know which place you (hypothetically) hurt. The back and neck are the most vulnerable places, so it would be logical to complain about them.
  2. For example, someone may eat a food to which they are allergic. When a patient is covered in red spots and has difficulty breathing, doctors will most likely give him a sheet without hesitation. The main thing is that you also need to know the “antidote” for allergies, otherwise you might end up in the hospital for nothing.
  3. It is possible to simply go to a doctor and ask him to write out a certificate of incapacity for work for a small fee. True, there is a chance that the “patient” will simply be thrown out of the office.


If the patient does not need round-the-clock supervision, but still requires a daily visit to the clinic to undergo certain procedures, he is placed in a day hospital.

Do they issue a certificate of incapacity for work and according to what rules?

A sick leave certificate for a day hospital is issued without fail , because the employee will still miss most of his working time. However, the patient, if he has an agreement with the employer, has the right to continue working. At his request, the ballot will not be issued. Registration is carried out according to the rules established for outpatient BC (Article 58 of Order No. 624n). That is, there will be no mark indicating that you are in the hospital.

Ways to leave

According to the law, a certificate of incapacity for work must be opened on the first day of feeling unwell. The form of the sheet must contain the following information: the name of the employee, the name of the company (without abbreviations), the position of the patient, diagnosis and date of visit to the medical institution. Other certificates and statements do not give the employee the right to be removed from fulfilling obligations during the working day and to receive material payments. To begin with, the employee must go to the outpatient clinic at his place of residence. At the initial appointment, the therapist will examine, make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment and give sick leave, usually for 5 days.

Then, the employee will need to contact the HR department and write a letter of resignation for sick leave. This is done so that the boss is warned about the worker’s condition and is not fired for absenteeism.

After 5 days, the sick person must again visit the local doctor, who, depending on the state of health, will extend or close the certificate of incapacity for work. If the employee is still not healthy, the sick leave is extended until full recovery. Then the sheet is sent to the personnel department, where the employee will be accrued for the period when he was treated at home.

Some diseases are not accompanied by fever and other obvious signs, for example, increased blood pressure, vertebral hernia, pinched nerves. However, they also require serious treatment. To do this, a person must file a complaint with a therapist, who will refer the patient to the right specialist. As a rule, such diseases take much longer to treat than flu or sore throat, and sick leave can last for 2-3 weeks.

If the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, then the doctor is called to the house to prevent rapid infection of other patients. The local doctor cannot write out sick leave at home; he makes a note on the medical card and transfers it to the clinic. The next appointment date will be set at the hospital. Before the secondary examination, the certificate of incapacity for work will already be opened.

By following these tips, the employee will be able to avoid problems at work, because the certificate of incapacity for work will be documented taking into account all the requirements.

Legislative framework

The norms for filling out a certificate of incapacity for work, its receipt and payment are regulated by the legal framework of the Russian Federation. Namely:

  • Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 624n and No. 347n;
  • Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance” dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ;
  • Art. 197 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated 08/05/2011 No. 14-03-11/05-8545;
  • Federal Law No. 323 dated November 21, 2011.

These documents determine exactly how the form is filled out, the procedure and time frame for submitting it to the enterprise.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n “On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work”

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2011 No. 347n “On approval of the form of a certificate of incapacity for work”

Article 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “The right of workers to training and additional professional education, to undergo an independent assessment of qualifications”

Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”

Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”

Letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated 08/05/2011 No. 14-03-11/05-8545 “On filling out a certificate of incapacity for work”

Registration not due to illness

It happens that you need to justify your absence from work using a certificate of incapacity for work.

The easiest way is to pretend to be sick and come to see a neurologist, citing back or neck pain. As a rule, such diseases often bother people, and it will be quite difficult for a specialist to catch a patient in a lie. This way you can get a certificate of temporary disability for a fairly decent period. The main thing is to complain about your problem correctly and not to overact.

Another method is considered a last resort and is unsafe for health. It's important not to overdo it here. Most people are allergic to one or another food product (berries, nuts or sweets). It is quite difficult even for a professional to distinguish allergies from colds, since the symptoms of these diseases are very similar. The main thing is to stock up on antihistamines to quickly get back in order.

You can go to a specialist and complain about a migraine and constant chills, or while checking your blood pressure, tense your leg muscles and rest your heels on the floor. The pressure will rise to a very high level. This in turn guarantees quick sick leave. If you are confident that the doctor will be ready to help in “trouble” for a monetary reward, then you can safely resort to this method. However, if a specialist is not a supporter of bribes, then it is better not to risk it and contact a paid clinic, where they will be more willing to help deal with such a problem.

Registration during pregnancy

Until 30 weeks of pregnancy, an employee must come to work without fail. But this is not always possible. Respiratory diseases affect pregnant women much more often than other people and sick leave is inevitable. For problems of a non-gynecological nature, you should consult a therapist. If necessary, the doctor refers the woman to specialized specialists: ENT, ophthalmologist, etc.

A woman can see a doctor either at her place of residence or at a antenatal clinic. In case of a respiratory illness, a woman is given sick leave for a period of 3-5 days. After a secondary examination, sick leave may be extended. In total, the period of sick leave for acute respiratory viral infections does not exceed 10 days. Otherwise, the woman will need to undergo an additional examination from the head of the department and receive a document certified by his seal and signature. If the illness has become long-term, the pregnant employee is hospitalized and treated in an inpatient setting.

A woman should contact a gynecologist with problems typical during pregnancy: toxicosis, lethargy, nagging pain, etc. Previously, it was possible to obtain a certificate of temporary incapacity for work from a gynecologist for a fairly long period of time. Now the rules have become stricter, and diagnoses common to pregnant women are treated in an inpatient setting.

In the event of an abortion, a woman has the right to sick leave for up to 10 days. If, after this period, a woman cannot go to work, the specialist will extend her document for another period of time.

Maximum duration of payment for sick leave

For long-term sick leave, social insurance does not always compensate for the payment of disability benefits in full. In Art. 6 of Law 255-FZ considers various cases for which different lengths of the sick leave payment period are established:

The reason why sick leave is issued and benefits are assigned Base Maximum duration of sick leave payment
Common household injury or illness clause 1 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ The entire period for which the sick leave was issued
Common household injury or illness followed by disability clause 3 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ Maximum - 4 months in a row or 5 months per year
Tuberculosis (cause of disability code - 11) clause 3 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ Disability restrictions do not apply. Sick leave payment for the entire duration or until the disability group changes.
Domestic injury or illness of individuals working under an employment contract lasting less than six months clause 4 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ 75 days
Child care up to 7 years old subp. 1 clause 5 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ 60 days per year or 90 days for diseases listed in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated February 20, 2008 No. 84n
Child care from 7 to 15 years old subp. 2 clause 5 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ 15 days for one insured event and 45 days for the whole year
Care for disabled children under 18 years of age subp. 3 clause 5 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ 120 days per year
Caring for an HIV-infected child under 18 years of age subp. 4 p. 5 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ The entire period of treatment in hospital
Caring for children under 18 years of age with post-vaccination complications or malignant tumors subp. 5 p. 5 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ The entire period of treatment both at home and in medical institutions
Other cases of caring for sick relatives subp. 6 clause 5 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ 7 days per accident and 30 days per year
Quarantine (disability reason code - 03) clause 6 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ The entire quarantine period, regardless of whether sick leave was issued due to the employee’s contact with a carrier of infection, or whether it is related to caring for a child under 7 years of age who is in quarantine
Prosthetics in hospital clause 7 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ The entire period of stay in the medical institution and travel time to the medical institution and home
Aftercare in sanatoriums clause 8 art. 6 of Law 255-FZ 24 days

Important! Currently, sick leave for caring for children under 7 years of age, disabled children under 18 years of age, as well as for post-vaccination complications, HIV and oncology in children under 18 years of age are issued for the entire period of care, i.e., without time limits (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated November 28, 2017 No. 953n). But keep in mind that these restrictions have been lifted only for “sick leave” periods, but they still need to be taken into account when paying benefits. To do this, you need to organize and keep track of the days of paid “children’s” sick leave.

A sample prepared by ConsultantPlus experts will help you fill out the sick leave for child care correctly. Get free access to the system and go to the material.

The reason for disability code entered in the appropriate column will not always help to accurately determine the maximum duration of payment of benefits. Usually some additional information is needed. But still, some cases are clear from this code.

Read about what disease codes are in the publication “What do disability codes mean on a sick leave certificate.”

If you have any doubts about determining the maximum payment for sick leave, you can contact the medical institution that issued the document with a request for clarification of the nuances of a specific certificate of incapacity for work.


Dismissal during illness can only occur on the initiative of the employee himself. An employer does not have the right to fire an employee while he is ill. If this happens, the employee has the right to go to court and be reinstated to his previous job. An employee can resign only after 2 weeks, after submitting the appropriate application. If during this period he falls ill, then the sick leave will not cover it, that is, the employee will not need to write a letter of resignation again.

If the dismissal date has arrived and the person is still ill, then management has the right to terminate the contract with him. The employee will be able to receive the work book after illness at the place of work or receive it by mail. Even after illness, you must submit a temporary disability certificate to the HR department for payment.

An employee who went on sick leave on the day of dismissal cannot be removed from his position until the day of his return. Otherwise, this may lead to litigation and penalties. Dismissal is lawful only in the event of liquidation of the organization. In accordance with the law, a person can be removed from a position if his employment contract has expired or he is declared incompetent.

An employee who has received a disability is paid only for the ballot. But even if the employment contract is terminated, the employer cannot fire a pregnant woman without her consent.

If an employee worked part-time before the onset of the disease, then the organization whose place was the main one for him is obliged to pay him sick leave.

Damage for a fake sheet

The legal framework of the country provides for the following types of liability for the provision of false medical documents:

  • material - the employer has every right to demand compensation for expenses that were paid for sick days (Part 4, Article 15 of Federal Law-255);
  • disciplinary - implies a reprimand in the first case, and in more serious cases the violator faces dismissal under Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • criminal - imprisonment for up to two years, forced labor or arrest for up to six months (Part 1, Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

You need to know the mechanism for documenting days missed due to illness. After all, the correct execution of sick leave will help to avoid misunderstandings with the employer and will make it possible to receive cash payments in a timely manner for the period allotted for treatment.

Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Forgery, production or sale of counterfeit documents, state awards, stamps, seals, forms”

Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer”

How to communicate with a doctor

What should I tell my doctor to get sick leave from my therapist? You can come to see a therapist at your clinic. When you get to the office, tell me that yesterday you had a high temperature, about 39, you didn’t sleep all night, you were taking pills. We fell asleep in the morning, and when we woke up, we drank some Fervex again. Say that there is no fever now, but the body aches, weakness, the head is cloudy, etc. It is better to refrain from complaints of stomach upset; a patient with such complaints may be sent to the infectious diseases department.

In the neurologist's office, you can report that you are suffering from severe pain in the lower back or cervical vertebrae, in other words, from radiculitis. The main thing is don’t overact, they’ll think, what the hell, that you’re a malingerer. It may be possible to take a sick leave for a couple of days, if you refer to extreme fatigue and drowsiness.

A good option is to contact a familiar specialist who has the right to issue the required paper. Then you won’t have to rack your brains about what to come up with and say to the therapist. The main thing is to be careful not to accidentally expose your friend to honey. employee. If, while on sick leave, you are spotted somewhere in a nightclub or even in another city, your boss may be informed about this. And he will complain about the clinic, and then the person who helped you will seriously suffer.

What to do during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women feel tired, lethargic, and general weakness at work, but all tests are normal and there are no official reasons for taking sick leave. Sometimes you want to take a break from the hassle and bustle of work for a couple of days, then you should try contacting a therapist or gynecologist. The result of your visit greatly depends on the doctor you talk to; some will calmly write you a sick leave even with a slight runny nose, while others may refuse even if you have serious pain.

Women who have tested it from their own experience recommend citing severe toxicosis, sensitivity to unpleasant odors, general weakness and poor health. You may complain of a sore throat and fever. Or honestly say that the work is very tiring, nerve-wracking, and against the background of this, the state of health deteriorates greatly, because this often happens. Many doctors are loyal to pregnant women, so don’t worry, because the most important thing is the health of the child.

What to complain about to get sick leave for a pregnant woman

Fortunately, many women do not need to pretend: toxicosis can last quite a long time, and can even occur in later stages.

You can complain about morning sickness, intolerance to the smell of exhaust fumes or the aromas of bistro food, constant fatigue and mood swings.

But pressing – talking about hypertonicity or pain in the lower abdomen “due to nerves” – must be done very carefully: there is a risk of ending up in a hospital for preservation.

But in general, expectant mothers should listen to their intuition. It will help you understand whether a particular doctor should just tell the truth: there is banal and terrible stress at work or the situation at home is terrible - there is no time for work right now.

If the doctor seems like a loyal person, you can simply ask for help in a humane way.

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